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Bit BoxA electronic 3x3x3, custom made after nine years and four prototypes.
Bitetrahghost 2x2x2A Ghost 2x2x2 transformed into a stellated octahedron.
Bitruncated MastermorphixA cross between Mastermorphix and Trajber's Octahedron.

Bitruncated Tetrahedron Crazy 2x2x2A piece swap, more precisely a cross between "2x2x2 Transform pyraminx BaMianTi" and "2x2x2 Transform pyraminx ShuangZiTa"
Bizarre BandageA 3x3x3 with a new type of bandaging. Two pairs of edges are connected.
Bizarre BarrelA puzzle inspired by the senior barrel.

Black & Yellow Puck (aka Radioactive)This version has alternating black and yellow wedges, and a smilie face on the center of the opposite side.
Black Coffee 3x3x3 MirrorA Bump Cube in shape of a coffee drinking cup.

Black Cube with round stickersA standard-sized black cube with round stickers.
Black HoleA sliding block puzzle with three differently coloured cubies.
Black Lemon CubeA shape similar to the "Circled Cube" but with the axis system reoriented inside the solid. Stickered with the Playboy Bunny.

Black Magic BarrelA ten billion Barrel with two marbles replaced by a doublesized piece.
Black Top MasterballA Masterball variant that's impossible to mix up.
Black and white Illusion Fused CubeA pair of Fused cubes, solved by symbols not stickers.

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